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Kotit Ayder Bungalow

If the scent of pine accompanies your breath, If the palms you extend to the sky get wet with drizzle, If the mist enveloping the mountains joins your walk, If the sound of birds flows into your conversation, Then KOTİT is the place to be!If the muhlama you eat is from the highlands, The fish you catch from the stream, The water you drink from the spring, The tea brewed from the garden beside you; Then KOTİT is the place to escape!If the mountain you lean on gives you security, If the horon you dance hand in hand brings you peace, If the Fırtına Valley stretching before you wipes away your worries, If the magic of the forests reminds you of paradise, If the sound of the tulum makes you forget the noise of the crowd, If you want to be close to the stars, far from troubles, and within love, Then KOTİT is the place for an inner journey!

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Kotit Ayder Bungalow

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Right in the heart of nature!
Be a guest of the storm...